The Marks of Peace #3 - Steadfastness

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast... Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

We conclude our study of the biblical factors associated with peace by considering steadfastness. This brings peace because it is sure and will never change its mind.

As in meekness, so in steadfastness Jesus is our supreme example. For him, the temptation to turn back from the way of the cross did not begin in Gethsemane. Long before that, he had been rejected because people saw that he had 'set his face to go to Jerusalem' (Lk 9:51). Jesus must have been familiar with our reading, which prophetically told of the suffering he would face and how he would set his face like a flint in regard to it. When a man has his heart fixed like this, nothing can shake his peace.

Medicine, in common with many other callings, is not an easy one in which to follow Christ. There are many pitfalls, and sadly some who lay their hands to the plough do look back and become unfit for the Kingdom (Lk 9:62). I well remember as a student attending a Christian Medical Fellowship breakfast in London where the speaker looked round the hundred or so medics there and said it was a hard fact of experience that in five years time not all of us would still be active followers of Christ. I prayed there and then that I would remain steadfast, and by God's grace to date it has been so.

Our world is one in which depth of commitment is often measured purely in terms of depth of emotion, but this need not be an accurate gauge. Both Ruth and Orpah expressed great emotion to Naomi (and rightly so), but it was only Ruth who clung to her (Ru 1:14). Can we cry with the Psalmist, 'My heart is fixed, O God, my heart if fixed' (Ps 57:7 AV)?

Has this vital issue been settled for you? Have you really determined that come what may, you will take your stand with Christ? If you have, it will be costly, but your life will be characterised by a peace that will be an enigma to patients and colleagues alike. And should some of them as you about its Source, I'm sure you'll be very happy to let them in on the secret.

Lord, keep me steadfast in your love, just for today.

Further reading: Is 50:4-9.



The Body and the Flesh


The Marks of Peace #2 - Meekness