The following covenants have been developed by the CMDFA Ethics Management team for suggested use and application by our members.
Christian Dentist’s Covenant
With gratitude to God, faith in Christ Jesus, and dependence on the Holy Spirit, I profess my intent to practice dentistry for the glory of God.
With humility, I will seek to keep up to date and increase my knowledge and skills. I will respect those who teach me and who broaden my knowledge. In turn, I will freely impart my knowledge and wisdom to others.
With God's help, I will love those who come to me for healing and comfort. I will honour and care for each patient as a person made in the image of God, striving to put aside selfish interests.
With God's guidance, I will endeavour to be a good steward of my skills and of society's resources. I will convey God's love in my relationships with family, friends, community, my patients and my colleagues. I will aspire to reflect God's loving kindness in caring for those in need.
I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient.
With God's grace, I will live according to this covenant.
Christian Doctor’s Covenant
With gratitude to God, faith in Christ Jesus, and dependence on the Holy Spirit, I profess my intent to practice medicine for the glory of God.
With humility, I will seek to keep up to date and increase my knowledge and skills. I will respect those who teach me and who broaden my knowledge. In turn, I will freely impart my knowledge and wisdom to others.
With God's help, I will love those who come to me for healing and comfort. I will honour and care for each patient as a person made in the image of God, putting aside selfish interests, remaining pure and honour God in all my behaviours.
With God's guidance, I will endeavour to be a good steward of my skills and of society's resources. I will convey God's love in my relationships with family, friends, community, my patients and my colleagues. I will aspire to reflect God's loving kindness in caring for the lonely, the poor, the vulnerable, the marginalised, the suffering and the dying.
I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient.
I will value human life as created in the image of God. I will care for all my patients, rejecting those interventions that either intentionally destroy or actively end human life.
With God’s guidance and wisdom, I will endeavour to abide by the law of the land but when it is in conflict with God’s commandments, I will heal on request even if the law of the land forbids it and refuse treatments and procedures even when the law compels it.
With God's grace, I will live according to this covenant.