Our History
Today CMDFA has over 600 members around Australia
Springing out of the evangelical student movements of the Inter-Varsity Fellowship (IVF) and the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) of the UK, a visionary group of doctors founded the Christian Medical Fellowship of Australia in 1949. Separate Australian state fellowships were established, and the work continued to expand as these groups combined into a national body in 1962. The dentists joined in the sixties, so we became the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia (CMDFA). A national office was established in Sydney in 2000 to serve the growing needs of the fellowship, and the first Executive Officer, Dr Cliff Smith was appointed.
Today CMDFA has over 600 members around Australia, from all ages and stages of medical and dental practice, and many more than that who are connected. Each state branch has a committee to oversee activities in that state, and national board members are elected at annual general meetings of financial members.
CMDFA is linked around the world with a community of 80 similar groups through the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA) which includes two of the largest groups CMF (UK) Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) & Christian Medical and Dental Associations of the US.
Transformed by Christ.
Transforming Healthcare.