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Why join the CMDFA?
CMDFA seeks to:
Unite Christian doctors and dentists from all denominations and to help them present the life-giving Christian message of God’s love, justice and mercy in a tangible way to a hurting world.
Help students and graduates of medicine and dentistry integrate their faith in Jesus Christ with their professional practice.
Membership is open to students and graduates, who want to follow Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Associate membership is also available to Christian graduates in related disciplines.
By joining the Fellowship you can:
Be motivated in mission for Jesus Christ.
Be encouraged in your growth as a Christian Health professional.
Be committed in serving God and your neighbours in the healing ministry.
Learn from others in integrating your Christian faith and your professional life, drawing on the experience of older graduates as mentors and facilitators.
Encourage and support other colleagues in fellowship and prayer.
Share your resources with those in need through special ministries.
Network with others to effectively bring God’s love to patients, colleagues and daily contacts.
Collectively make an impact for Christ in health care.