The Body and the Flesh
I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. Romans 7:18
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1
Paul makes many references to 'the body' and 'the flesh' especially in his letter to the Romans. It is easy to confuse them and to misunderstand completely the important message he brings. The medical mind automatically thinks of the body as flesh and so equates the two terms. That doubles the confusion.
Some time ago I copied into a notebook a very helpful succinct statement that I had read somewhere on this subject. Foolishly I did not note where I had copied it from. If I knew the source, I should gladly write and ask for permission to quote it. Since I cannot do that, I hope the author will forgive me for passing it on without formal permission. I am grateful to be able to share it. This is what it says:
What Paul says about the 'flesh' in the sense of unregenerate human nature
must not be taken as applying to the physical body. Of the 'flesh' in this
sense he has nothing good to say; but the believer's body, while once used by
the master-power of sin as an instrument of unrighteousness (Rom 6:13), can
be presented to God as 'a living sacrifice' for the doing of his will (Rom
12:1), is indwelt by his Spirit (Rom 8:11; cf 1 Cor 6:19f), and will one day
be redeemed from mortality and invested with glory (Rom 8:23; cf Phil 3:21).
Paul does not share the Greek philosophers' contempt for the body
as the fetter or prison-house of the soul.
Help me, Lord, to put away the works of the flesh
and to present my body to you as a living sacrifice for your service.
Further reading: Look up the references.