Love as Fruit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love... Gal 5:22

We were returning home after a discouraging visit to an out-lying church when the pastor said: `I have been thinking of that mango tree and the Arab boys throwing their sticks at it. No matter how violently they did so, the tree's only response was to yield its golden mangos. I saw no twig reach down to cane them, but only the falling fruit they wanted. How I wish my life was more like that tree! So often my reactions are those of anger or self-pity or resentment instead of yielding the fruit of love...'

Our Lord said, `By their fruits ye shall know them', and there is no doubt that by our fruit men know us. But we can't manufacture it ourselves. The seed must first be planted, `it bears much fruit'. In verse 24, Paul puts it like this, `Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires'. This is what he meant when he testified, `I die daily', and what Christ meant when he spoke of taking up our Cross and denying self everyday. If I want to bear fruit today, then in every decision the `I' must be crucified. Phillips translates verse 26, `Let us not be ambitious for our own reputation', reminding us of the one who for our sakes made himself of no reputation.

Joy is Love exulting, and
Peace is Love at rest;
Patience, Love enduring in every trial and test;
Gentleness, Love yielding to all that is not sin;
Goodness, Love in actions that flow from Christ within;
Faith is Love's eyes opened, the living Christ to see;
Meekness, Love not fighting but bowed at Calvary;
Temperance, Love in harness and under Christ's control;
For Christ is Love in Person, and Love, Christ in the soul.

Further reading: Gal 5:22-26. Lk 9:23-26



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