Free to Serve

All things to all men... for the sake of the gospel. 1 Cor 9:22-23

The Christian must straddle two worlds. He is to live in this present world (Gal 1:4), yet he is to seek the things that are above (Col 3:1). To combine these two callings often seems difficult.

In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 Paul outlines three basic principles which facilitate this harmony. Such an equilibrium of temporal and spiritual values is seen to involve:

A sense of freedom

Paul saw himself as `free from all men' (v 19). We need fear no one save him before whose judgment seat we shall all appear (2 Cor 5:10). But what prejudices and taboos can burden our Christian lives! We fear the opinions of men, Christians and non-Christians alike. How inhibiting this can be! Notice, however, that freedom from the fear of man is closely linked to a great sense of obligation towards them, `a slave to all that I might win the more' (v 19). My freedom must never cause others to stumble (1 Cor 8:9).

A spirit of flexibility

Such a freedom leads inevitably to a genuine flexibility in our attitudes towards others. This is why Paul could `become' a Jew (v 20), as one under the law (v 20), and indeed, as all things to all men (v 22). Fearing none, he could care for all. Do you know such freedom and flexibility? The only offence that we should cause is the offence of the Cross (1 Cor 1:23-24).

A source of faith.

The freedom and flexibility so highly prized by the apostle were intertwined with a still deeper motive. Everything in his life was `for the sake of the gospel' (v 23), so that `by all means' he might save some (v 22). Without this greater perspective we may become worldy. But with this aim the balance of Christian witness is perfectly centred. The source of our freedom, the strength of our friendships, and the centre of our faith is Christ Jesus.

O Lord Jesus, who grew in favour with God and man,
help me to live moment by moment as in your sight,
and grant that fearing no man, but caring for all men,
I may so live that your beauty may be seen in me
and your saving power may reach out to all with whom I associate.

Further reading: Rom 14:7-22. 1 Cor 10:31-32.



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