CMDFA Newcastle - 2024 Events

2024 Calendar

More details to come closer to each event.

25-28th April - IMPACT: Unity in Suffering
IMPACT is an annual conference over the ANZAC day long weekend for students and recent graduates. The conference will be a great opportunity to learn from a variety of renowned speakers, be inspired by the talks and interactive workshops, and spend time in community with other healthcare professionals/ students in prayer, worship, and fellowship. Don’t miss out on this experience to grow in both your faith and work, and to learn more about how the two intertwine.
Highly recommended for students in clinical years Yr 4+ to PGY5; or attend as a mentor!  Gathering this year at Phillip Island VIC. 

Thursday 23rd May – 7-9pm
Screen Addictions: Social Media, Gaming and Pornography
Screen addiction has increased over the last thirty years, having relational effects on a generation.  Dr Andrew Wilkinson is a Clinical Psychologist who specialises in working with children, young people, and families.  He will address issues relevant to both ourselves and our patients. 

Saturday 22nd June – 8.30am-12.30pm
Biblical Counselling Training: Anger
Biblical Counselling is personal ministry done from a biblical worldview. It assists us to see the complexity of life and people in the light of the gospel of Jesus. This training is for all who wish to wisely love people with gospel-soaked interactions, whether professional or pastoral.  Jeremy Ward will explore practicalities of dealing with the broad sweep of anger - from mild irritation to rage - through the lens of the Bible.

Saturday 3rd August –2-4pm
Voluntary Assisted Dying workshop
Dr Megan Best, Palliative Care Physician, will help us to practically upskill when dealing with requests for voluntary assisted dying, now legal in NSW.  Megan has over 30 years of experience in palliative care and medical ethics teaching, research and practice. She is the chair of Ethicentre, which aims to provide reliable information about christian bioethics within a biblical framework.

Saturday 7th September – 8-10am
Christian Health Professionals Prayer Brunch
For updates go to

Thursday 17th October – 6-8pm
End of Year Dinner & Prayer for 2025

All health professionals welcome

For information about Newcastle events please contact:


Prayer and Fellowship on Zoom