CMDFA 2024 Annual Appeal: Let’s Double Up!

Grow in Christ,
Grow in numbers

God desires that we prosper in all things, including our money. But most often than not, many people leave God out of their financial decisions. Giving is becoming at times a challenging decision for Christians with many wonderful Christian organisations asking for support. So maybe we can reframe our idea of giving to:

So, it is not so much a question of what we do with our money but what do we do with the money God has given us!

The CMDFA is a membership organisation that is self-funding. We exist to build and maintain platforms, structure, processes to help us run the organisation. The goal that with each year there is an improvement in the way it is run, promoted CMDFA to the wider Christian community. This then allows us to service our members, grow our membership and student intake and to facilitate events at national level with our amazing national volunteers. We also work with our members in each state to facilitate state, regional and urban fellowship events and training. The above activities are funded through your membership fees and partnership fees. The funding also goes into supporting our ministry of Luke’s Journal which is a free publication.

This fees at times do not cover everything for long time financial sustainability. So that is why each year we run an annual appeal. These are the 2024-25 projects outcomes we need your help with:

  • Website and Member Portal – That is best practice, information centred website for the public and a meaningful self-serve portal for members to update their contacts and professional qualifications, permission to connect with each other and ability to do their own annual membership renewals.

  • Student Membership Progress – Need a dedicated resource to ensure the student members progress to become doctors in training members in greater numbers. This may mean employing a young medical graduate to work with graduating students one or two days a week. (Happy to chat with anyone who would specifically support this initiative, Contact

  • Hospital Networks & Regional Activities Support – To ensure a strong link and support from the National Office. We are getting better at this as the System Integration is freeing the staff to do more tactical and strategic activities

  • Combined Impact & National Conference 2025 – Brisbane, July 2025 – The planning is underway for our biggest national conference for professional workers and students to share fellowship and connections.

  • System Integration - Continue our next phase of integrations the key systems to increase efficiency and improve member experience, eradicate duplications of manual entry, redundancies and effective use of licences.

Every year CMDFA has a small number of members who give generously to our Appeal. We are most grateful for their generosity. However, we believe that together, each of us can give and spread the load.


Our challenge to you this year is to ask all members to double up i.e. donate based on your current membership level. Double up for 2024! This means that whatever you paid for your membership, would you prayerfully consider donating the same amount?

Our Target $45,000 - Let’s grow in Christ, grow in numbers!

Donate Here

Last year we raised just over $30,000 this allowed us to:

  • Support Luke’s Journal.

  • Increase our data security (we actually had a cyber attack on our data!).

  • Create a central document system for all CMDFA documents.

  • Help us make CMDFA better known by extend the CMDFA brand to new partner organisation and networks.

  • Increase our membership to 615 our target for 2025 is 650.

Make an impact.