When God Calls

`Son, go and work in the vineyard today'. He answered, `I go, sir', but did not go. Matthew 21:28,30

In these days when many are drifting into a career, and many voices are clamouring for our attention, it is easy to miss God's call. It comes like a wind, invisible, purposeful and refreshing, that blows on a man's life; it comes like a fire, warm, melting and glowing, that burns in a man's heart; it comes like a lover, winsome, magnetic and compelling, that beckons a man to follow.

But the wind may be resisted. You can shelter from it behind excuses or procrastination. You can anchor yourself to prejudices and false priorities. You can sail into it and pretend that this was the direction the wind guided you. You can say, `I cannot tell whence it cometh (is it really God who is calling me?), or whither it goeth' (where is he leading me?)!

The fire may be extinguished. Neglect will do it. Ignore the call, and the fire will go out. Pouring on the cold water of fear will do it -- fear of the future, of insecurity, the fear of other people's opinion. Scattering the coals will do it (avoiding the fellowship of other Christians and going your own way). The Lover may be grieved. A weak, half-hearted insincere reply is enough to grieve the heart of this `Lover of men'. The son in the parable said, ` I have heard your call, I'm going to work in your vineyard'. But one job led to another and he never went. How easy it is to hear the call clearly in our student days! But then one thing leads to another and we find ourselves settling down with the call unanswered.

Father, help me not to resist the Spirit when his wind blows
on my life, not to quench him when his fire burns in my
heart and not to grieve him when his love beckons me to

Further reading: Mt 21:28-32. Je 20:9. Lk 5:27-28.



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