The Way #9 - Communications on the Way
Draw near to God and he will draw hear to you. James 4:8
Travellers on the Way have a two-way communication system with base. We can speak to God through prayer. God speaks to us through his word and in our hearts. All this is marvellously monitored by the Holy Spirit.
Prayer is simply talking to God and is the Christian's greatest privilege. 'Pray constantly' writes Paul (1 Thes 5:17). This means not that we must always be engaged in conscious conversation with God, but that our hearts are in that state that they are immediately lifted to God as need or opportunity comes. Prayer in this respect is rather like breathing -- continuous but not consciously done unless we need a deep breath or find the going hard.
Regular deep breathing sessions are important. They may include worship of God, confession of sin, praise to God, thanks for all he has done, and petition and intercession, when we ask frankly for the needs of others as well as our own. It must all be scrupulously honest and sincere, and what we ask for in the name of Christ must be worthy of that name.
Prayer can be a great joy. But sometimes it is not easy. We need then to remember that the Holy Spirit is ready to help us in our weakness (Rom 8:26), monitoring our outward calls.
The Holy Spirit also monitors our inward calls. He has inspired Scripture, which he helps us to understand. And he speaks to our hearts, guiding, reasoning and, where necessary, rebuking. We should be humbly dependent on him as we read the Bible, which should be our constant companion. It is not a magic talisman, but it can be trusted in all matters of faith and conduct. Read aright it will not lead anyone astray, and it will bring us close to the mind of God. Reading it aright means not only dependence on the Holy Spirit that he will interpret the words in our hearts, but also full use of the intellect that God has given us, and an honest willingness to live by what he teaches. We should remember what Paul wrote to Timothy: 'All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work' (2 Tim 3:16-17).
It is vital to keep our communication system in sound working order under regular use. That use may have to be adjusted to the time table of a busy life that is not always ours to regulate. But we neglect it at our peril. Communication is vital -- both ways.
Our hears, if God we seek to know,
Shall know him and rejoice;
His coming like the morn shall be,
Like morning songs his voice.
John Morison
Further reading: Lk 11:1-13. Jn 14:12-17, 16:13-15. 2 Pet 1:19-21.