The Divine Surgeon #2

God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13

As we contemplate the work of the Divine Surgeon in us, we can think also of the field of orthopaedic surgery. One of the main objectives in this area of specialisation is to help the patient walk more naturally and easily and to restore muscle balance. Often a series of interventions are required before a normal gait is possible. The Christian life is a walk -- or a race if you wish -- but so often we stumble and fall. We limp, we are poorly balanced. So the Divine Surgeon intervenes, again and again, to correct and repair our deformities and imbalances, so that we may walk more easily in the footsteps of Christ and run more successfully the race that is set before us.

Fashioning us into the image of Christ must involve plastic surgery at times. Balms and oils may help in the process, but warts and ugly lumps require surgical removal. So the plastic Surgeon takes up the scalpel, fashioning us into the image of Christ.

Some operations are performed not only for the health and comfort of the patient, but also for the sake of the life and health of another. Consider a Caesarean section, for example. Without this intervention both the mother and baby would most likely perish. Some of our pain may well be for the sake of the very lives of others. The Divine Surgeon operates with out best interests in view, as well as those of others who are close to us.

Help us, Lord, to rejoice in the fact that we are your
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
you prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Further reading: Phil 2:12-18. Eph 2:1-10.



The Divine Surgeon #3


The Divine Surgeon #1