Nothing Impossible

Nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37 (NIV)

There are many things we cannot alter, much as we should like to. We say: `If only I could, I would'. What could be better, then, than a faith that makes all things possible for us? But we have already made as subtle but serious shift from a biblical principle. The Christian's God is indeed one with whom `nothing is impossible', but this is quite different from saying that God will do anything: `If I cannot, God will'. This is convenient but not scriptural.

This formula, used as a type of incantation, is bound to fail. Experience and commonsense demonstrate it to be false. This is not surprising because Scripture tells us that there are some things that even God cannot do. He cannot belie his nature. The context of the verse is important. In the instance quoted it is the promise of the virgin birth of Jesus, the very incarnation of God himself. With God the utterly impossible actually happened. On another occasion Jesus made the same statement regarding the possibility of a rich man entering God's kingdom (Mt 19:23-26). In yet another Paul is asserting that when God promises something he is able to perform it (Rom 4:21). We see therefore that to impose the necessary strict conditions on the application of this promise in no way limits its stupendous and miraculous possibilities.

All that is consonant with God's nature is possible, all that is true, holy and righteous. More than that, all that is in line with his will no one and nothing can ultimately frustrate. This has been the challenge and the comfort of God's children throughout history. God's dependability is guaranteed to those who depend on him. `They who trust him wholly find him wholly true' F R Havergal).

This is the great principle proved in practice by those whose belief and trust is real. Such usually have more than their share of troubles, for God saves us in rather than from our circumstances, while faith remains undimmed and trust in him grows, `Depend upon it, God's work, done in God's way, will never lack God's supplies' (Hudson Taylor).

For every promise of God is sure to be fulfilled.

Lk 1:37 (JBP)

Further reading: Ps 37:1-5, Heb 11:8-19. Rom 4:16-25



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