New Every Morning
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. La 3:22-23
Anyone reading the book of Lamentations must be struck with the author's deep sense of bitterness at his own people's disobedience, and sadness at the consequent destruction of Jerusalem. Yet equally striking is his affirmation, in the midst of much bitter disappointment, of God's faithfulness and constancy notwithstanding the unfaithfulness of his people.
There are undoubtedly times when a sense of failure looms large -- failure to control temper, a lack of patience, or simply a feeling of the inadequacy of my own ability to cope as a doctor (or indeed as a person). Neglecting to spend time with the Lord can make such a sense of guilt more marked.
If there is any verse I find particularly encouraging, it is this one, reminding me of God's unshakeable constancy of attitude towards me. As if it is not enough to remind me that God's mercy is infinite, knowing no limits, he reminds me that each morning his mercies to me are new, regardless of the past. If my God can be so accepting of me, and patient with me, he certainly doesn't feel about me or regard me as I regard myself.
Father, thank you that in your unchanging and yet daily renewed
attitude to me you restore my own self-esteem. Help me never to
forget the fact of your love and daily given new mercies to me.
Further reading: Ps 89:30-37. 1 Pet 5:7.