I have begun, so I will finish
`I have begun, so I will finish'*
During one's year as a house officer, it is easy to feel that one's Christian faith will not survive. The pressures can be such that the necessary discipline of Christian living becomes squeezed out of daily life. But God's word reassures us that our salvation depends ultimately on him and not on us.
It was he who began the good work in us, his Holy Spirit who opened our eyes to our sin and need of a Saviour, calling us to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn 6:37). He indwells us and will work in us that which is pleasing in his sight, equipping us for his service (Eph 2:8-10). We may wander from the pathway, but in his mercy he brings us back. His hold on us is greater than our hold on him.
Certainly it is our responsibility to co-operate with him in his gracious work. We may delay the fulfilment of his purposes, we may, by our selfwill, even miss his work, and he will bring it to completion however long it takes and however costly the process. In `the day of Jesus Christ' the final reckoning will be made, and on that day not one of his sheep will be lost.
What from Christ that soul shall sever
Bound by everlasting hands?
Once in him, in him for ever,
Thus the eternal covenant stands.
John Kent.
Further reading: Jn 10:22-30. 1 Pet 1:3-9. Heb 13:20-21.
* words familiar to British Television viewers