Beatitudes #4 - The Meek

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

Jesus quotes from Psalm 37:11. I wonder if he was talking to his nationalist, guerrilla friends, furious and out for Roman blood? For Jesus, like ourselves, was teaching his ideology within a political context full of hatred and rebellion against a foreign repressive power, flaunting its domination. As doctors we cannot ignore the political strife around us, and some of us may be called to bring 'healing to the nations' in a political sense.

So what is meant by meekness? As used in the Old Testament it is a quality of royal leadership. Moses had it, and so did David. Supremely so did Jesus. It is an inner attitude of disciplined committal of oneself to God's sovereignty. It is inner obedience, responsiveness to orders, the ability to 'take it' in adversity or under personal attack. Am I ready to accept and carry out God's will, not my own? It was this quality of meekness that a Roman officer recognised and responded to in Jesus when he said 'I also am a man under authority'. In Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion Jesus said the words which most perfectly express meekness: 'Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will but as though wilt'. That made the Cross, the resurrection, the forgiveness and rebirth of the human family possible.

Lord, teach me to be truly meek as you were meek, and
to know the strength that lies in that meekness.

Further reading: Mt 11:25-30.



Beatitudes #5 - The Longing for Righteousness.


Beatitudes #3 - The Mourners