Beatitudes #3 - Gentleness that is Strength Controlled

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Mt 5:5 (AV)

The word meekness in the AV is variously translated as humility (GNB), and gentleness (RSV). A similar interchange is found in Galations 5:23 referring to the fruit of the Spirit. This is helpful, since in the world's parlance meekness is equated with weakness, and aggressiveness, self-confidence and self-assertion are preferred to humility and a gentle spirit.

In the first two beatitudes Jesus shows how much we need a realistic view of ourselves, as spiritually bankrupt, and needing to mourn over our state in God's sight. Here he shows the change in attitude that such a realisation brings. There is place in the Christian life neither for arrogance toward God nor superiority toward others. Stephen Winward in Fruit of the Spirit defines meekness as humility before God and the gentleness of controlled strength toward others. Jesus showed this combination of humility and strength when he laid aside the insignia of godhead and for our sakes took the form of a servant, becoming obedient to the death of the Cross. This surely challenges us in all our relationships -- with patients, cleaners, nurses, colleagues and our families.

The promised reward for meekness may puzzle us. How can the meek inherit the earth? We may have sensed the frustration and disappointment of some who have succeeded in their exclusive aim to reach the top but at tremendous cost. They have lost far more than they have gained. Jesus refocuses our ambition into paths of service. Jim Eliott, subsequently murdered by Auca Indians, said, `He is no fool who loses what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose', and Jesus promises the meek, his co-heirs, an immense inheritance. Paul knew this truth in experience: `we seem to have nothing, yet we really possess everything' (2 Cor 6:10 GNB).

`How blest are those of a gently spirit; they shall have the earth for their possession'

Mt 5:5 (NEB)

The gentle don't conquer the earth: they inherit it... They may own
very little of it but they do possess part already. But only
in part, for the realised hope is deferred until the kingdom of
Christ is established and fulfilled on earth.'

Stephen Winward.

God grant that such an inheritance may be ours.

Further reading: Phil 2:5-11. Rom 8:16-23



Beatitudes #4 - Hungry yet Full, Thirsty yet Satisfied


Beatitudes #2 - Sorrow that is Joy